Mother's Touch - Hecate Wheel

Great Games, with a Touch of Magic

We are a small coven of game devs, focused on cooking new games that can weave a spell over our players.

Our Spellcasters

Marco Vito Oddo

The founder, director and only official member of Mother's Touch Games. Formerly a ghostwriter, a journalist and a teacher, Marco Vito decided to give in to the higher calling of game dev. He writes, designs and takes care of some coding, animation and VFX. Passionated about the indie industry, he takes inspiration in Lucas Pope, Super Giant Games, Extremely OK Games, Greg Lobanov and too many other great game wizards.

Paul Töpfer

Paul Töpfer is a software developer from Germany who loves pixel art and games. Besides playing, he also joins game jams, draws, and supports Mother's Touch with code and VFX. Adept of Chaos Magic, Paul is fascinated by replayability created by randomization, both as a player and as a game dev, as it is a challenge to surprise on every run. Some roguelikes he recommends are Binding of Isaac, Noita, Slay the Spire, Streets of Rogue and Trials of Fire.

Vitor Ornelas

Vitor Ornelas is a Brazilian musician, composer, and philosopher. Passionated by games, Vitor is a self-taught bard capable of bewitching the public with his compositions. Besides conjuring amazing tracks and SFX for Mother's Touch, Vitor is one of the founders, a composer and the lead guitar of the band Véspera. Vitor takes inspiration in Super Mario World, the franchise The Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear Solid, Hollow Knight and Into the Breach.

Victor Costa

An arcane artist who creates spellbinding art, Victor Costa is mostly known for his work as the illustrator of the RPG system Wicked Ones. Taking a leap from tabletop to digital, Victor is designing the art for Mother's Touch's first project, and diving into illusion through animation. He gets inspired by experiences like Braid and Bioshock, studios like Butterscotch Shenanigans and Valve, and developers like Edmund Mcmillen and Neil Druckmann.


Bobê Campos

Front-end thaumaturgist. Creates logos and websites. In his free time is a Twitch enthusiast. He's a Nintendo Old Schooler and a Pokémon junkie.

Troubadour's Twitch
Code Caster's GitHub

Angelina Julie do Nascimento

Scholar of ancient languages. Translate websites, contracts, and ancient scrolls. She's a Nintendo addicted, who grew up with Mario.

Hecate Wheel

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